"It Attacks Your Soul" - Why Triple Action Pepper Spray is "Devastating"
He's the director of sales at Mace® Brand, and he's a firm believer in knowing everything he can about the products he sells and recommends. Dan Brass can now answer the question "What's it like to be hit with Mace® Brand Triple action pepper spray?" He experienced it first-hand.
"It's attacks your soul," Brass says. "The tear gas is so much more aggressive. I had a terrible headache, it's worse than getting punched in the face. It is without a doubt the most devastating thing we sell."
Take a look, Brass had his daughter spray him.
Brass went on to say, "It felt like the Incredible Hulk was prying my skull apart. If you are hit with that you are down and you are staying down...and I didn't even get a big blast of it. I don't ever want to do that again."
"For my loved ones, I know which one I want them to carry, it's triple action pepper spray."
It took Brass about 20 minutes before he could open his eyes, and his headache lasted for a few hours.
"It's way worse than pepper spray, it attacks your soul...I was in agony."
Mace® Brand sees personal safety as a way to improve quality of life. Mace is committed to providing community and family safety through individual empowerment.
Another story you would enjoy with Dan Brass: Mace® Brand Pepper Spray, an Eye-Closing Experience
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